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Who are we?

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Muros Invisibles is a journalistic organization focused on Latin America. We are currently focused on the Venezuelan crisis  specifically from the perspective of the Venezuelans themselves. 

The immediate goal of Muros Invisibles is to give voice to people whom are generally under-represented in the nations in which they reside, whether by politicians, media or culturally.  

Our long-term goal is to collect enough data to be able to study the global issue of immigration of a larger scale, and from an academic perspective. And to chronicle mass-movements through the data of the people who are a part of them. 

To that effect, we welcome meeting journalists,  scholars, immigrants, officials from governmental departments whom deal with immigration and organizations both national and international working in that field. We are independent of political affiliation in any country in which we report, and have no agenda other than stated above. 

Muros Invisibles is edited and maintained by Joshua Collins, a freelance journalist based in Bogota, Colombia. 

If you are interested in supporting future journalism from Muros Invisibles click here

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